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Ulery Greenhouse, Ohio
Very few businesses are more water-dependent than greenhouses and nurseries. Many of them pump water from a local pond, river, or well, bringing up sand and sediment along with the water. Screen and cartridge filters constantly need to be disassembled for cleaning, sometimes as often as once an hour. Injector fertilizers also plug up with dirt, making manual cleaning a daily routine. Foggers and misters become obsolete without clean water.
TEKLEEN® filters form low cost, fully automatic self-cleaning filtration systems that require no maintenance or attendance. Within seconds and without interrupting the main flow, vacuum nozzles aggressively suction dirt from the inside of the screen, flushing it out to the drain using just 4 gallons of water.
Let us know what your filtration needs are and we'll design the best solution for the job.
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Ulery Greenhouse, Ohio
Aldridge Nursery, Von Ormy, Texas, purchased three additional Tekleen filters after being so impressed with its first one. Its oldest filter was purchased in 2000 and has not needed any upkeep.
Ulery Greenhouse, Springfield, Ohio, has had a TEKLEEN filter for about 1 1/2 years, with no major problems. “The only thing you need to do is change the battery in it once a year, because it automatically backflushes,” says Ashley Smith, grower.
Silver Terrace Nursery uses three Tekleen filters to back up the sand filters at the reservoir that serves as the nursery’s main water supply, and they report no problems to date. “We haven’t had to maintain them up to this point,” says Ruggeri.
Find out how TEKLEEN filters saved Maday's Wholesale Greenhouse in Crete, IL time and money with the filters' low-maintenance needs.
Filtration tips from Nursery Management & Production on how to best keep drip irrigation systems operating at their highest potential.